A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family. Hollywood has been one of the main pushers of homosexuality, also known as sodomy. And this child sodomy is being revealed by certain individuals in Hollywood at this time, such as child-actor Corey Feldman: http://vigilant​citizen.com/lat​estnews/actor-c​orey-feldman-sa​ys-pedophilia-n​o-1-problem-for​-child-stars-vi​deo/ One reason the act of sodomy is performed is to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. This is one of the reasons the third eye or “All Seeing Eye” is so prevalent throughout Hollywood and the music industry today, because of its tie to the act of sodomy and this 'brotherhood". It is claimed that during this vile act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is referred to as an, "unclean spirit". This is systematically done to have complete control over the child, like creating a programmed robot. It also creates multiple personalities in the individual if done at a very young age. Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled​ slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler. While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program. Read more about this program and its origins here: http://secretar​cana.com/hidden​knowledge/monar​ch-programming-​mind-control/ The Illuminati know that when a man sodomizes a child, preferably at three years of age, THE CHILD BONDS TO THE MAN as if he were their father. Remember, sodomy is not limited to young males, but also females. When the sodomizer is a man of the cloth, of the church, the child bonds to the church as well. As far as religions go, Catholics and Freemasons are at the top of the list. Because of its adherence to the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud, the Catholic hierarchy has adopted the unholy doctrine to sodomize three year olds so as to"bind them to the Church". The Church actually says, “Give us a child until he’s five and he’ll always be Catholic,” but strangely enough the catholics do not provide any religious training with the children until they’re five. There has been an epidemic of molestations of young boys by pedophilic homosexual priests nationwide and the Catholic Church has had to pay out billions of dollars to settle the cases. One gruesome case involved the sodomizing of a young altar boy by a priest in church after mass. Reliable sources estimate that approximately 75% of all Catholic priests are homosexuals. It is a profession perfect for homosexuals who like to prey on little boys. They are not expected to marry and live with other men under the protection of the church. They also have the full trust of unsuspecting parents. The word has gotten out and the seminaries are now attracting predominantly gay men. The fact that most of the catholic priests in Rome are gay may be a surprise to Americans, but this is common knowledge to the citizens of Rome itself, who witness the antics of priests on a daily basis: http://www.guar​dian.co.uk/worl​d/2010/jul/24/c​atholic-church-​gay-priests-exp​osed Contrary to the contemporary myths spread by disinformation agents such as Lady Gaga, who herself is a sodomite and attended a catholic school growing up, a sodomite is not “Born This Way” any more than a liar, cheater, drunkard, wife beater or thief is born this way. A sodomite is made. Most sodomites will not admit as to how they became sodomites, and many do not even know because they were raped at a very young age. Most were seduced, but many were forced in to this abomination at a very young age and bonded to their molester. Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated immoral power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion and expression of hatred against life and the Creator Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat the Creator. And these hierarchy of Illuminated sodomites ARE WORKING DILIGENTLY at doing just that. As sick as this sounds, the belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize the Creator, you’d get His power. It is said this is why the inhabitants of Sodom tried to force their way into Lots door in Genesis 19, desiring the POWER they believed they would gain from sodomizing the beings who were there to rescue Lot and his family, as well as to defile the Messiah’s bloodline. The belief is you become as gods through sodomy, that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. The violence and hatred in his armies were produced by sodomy; sodomy produces an “internal rage”. In fact, Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. It is an established fact that the Nazi party itself was a group of homosexuals: http://www.fede​ralobserver.com​/archive.php?ai​d=3885 Also, there have been allegations of sodomy of children and adults by U.S forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as pictures of “electric shock sodomy” being conducted by U.S. Troop at Abu Ghraib. http://wsws.org​/articles/2009/​may2009/tort-m2​9.shtmlnducted at Abu Ghraib prison. All of this is about CONTROL AND SUBJUGATION of the peoples of this earth. This is a subject that is truly sickening and makes a persons stomache turn, but we all must be aware that this is more than a sexual preference. This is about religion, bonding and creating a family of sodomites, a family that hopes to eventually control the world. The end result of this behavior, if left unchecked, would mean the elimination of the entire human species, and we all have an Enemy who is diligently working to bring this about. But the Enemy uses people. Remember, you are not to hate anyone. A sodomite is made. Most of these individuals had no control over being raped as young children. This information is brought only for informational purposes. The lives of the individuals who have been caught up in this horrible scheme can be changed through education in The Peaceful Solution.

1 comment:

  1. Hotep: Great article, I have been studying this madness for many years now and the whole government like Kay Griggs says is gay and including the military forcers.


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