the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organization
"Have faith", the mantra of these religious con-men through the ages, really means "Dont think and don't question"........If you look closely at this mir(aka pyramid); therefore you will notice the symbol of the [cross & crown] insignia engraved thereof. Now, is not this the same [cross & crown] sceptre insignia of the Eastern Stars whose insignia is the upside-down five point star pentagram? Hmmmmm..
You won't be surprised to know, therefore, that the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organization at the top level where the Elders of the Mormons and the leaders of the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one their followers believe. But what chance have you got of knowing what is happening within your "church" when you refuse to think or question? "Have faith", the mantra of these religious con-men through the ages, really means "Dont think and don't question".......THESE DOGS,,,,EYES WIDE OPEN
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