Turah Reading for Shabat VAYESHEV (And He Lived) | Aibryit Aur

Shabat Shalum Hebrews!

Every 7th day of the week is marked by Israel Jews and those who has come to accept the hebrew faith through the messiah Yeshua (Yahushai)  as the Shabat or Sabbath, a day of rest, worship and Torah study in the Synagogue or Assembly (congregation). Its a day every believer look towards while alive and Olam Haba *the world to come. 

The 7th day shabat commemorates the 7th day which Alhayim (Elohim) rested from His work of Creation of the Earth, and since the beginning has the commandment to rest on this day from all forms of work been established and was also  re-stated in the 10 commandments given to the Children of Israel through the Servant of Alhaym, Moshe (Moses).

Todays Shabat, evening of Friday till evening of Saturday, reading is VAYESHEV (And He Lived)
Genesis 37:1–40:23; Amos 2:6–3:8; Romans 8:18–39
“Jacob lived [yeshev] in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan.” (Genesis 37:1)

You can read more on this torah portion and even request for a weekly shabat parasha via e-mail from The Messianic Bible Project

Have a Peaceful Shabat Mispacha!

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