Ogun: Yoruba herbs and botanical names

Some herbs ( ewe ) and other ingredients that are
used in Ifa-Orisha practice. It's a growing list, and
at some appropriate moment I will also add
alternatives that are, although not traditional,
quite effective.

Amunimuye : Senecio Abessynicus (leaves)
Asunwon: Senna Alata (leaves)
Ata Iyere : Piper Guineense (seed)
Atori : Glyphaea Brevis
Daji: Gongronema Latifolium (leaves)
Ela : Epyphytic Orchidaceae (leaves)
Epo Agbon : Coco Nucifera (bark)
Esin : Blighia sapida (ripe fruit flesh)
Ewe Iyeye: Spondias Mombin (leaves)
Idi igi Orosun: Baphia Nitida (root)
Itala : Socoglottis Gabinensis (bark)
Iteji: Gongronema Latifolium (leaves)
Ojiji : Dalbergia Lacteal (leaves)
Odundun: Kalanchoe Crenata
Olode: Markamia Tomementosa (bark)
Pepereku(n) : Alternanthera Sessilis (leaves)
Peregun : Peperomia Pellucida
Rekureku: Alternanthera Sessilis (leaves)
Rinrin: Peperoma pellucida (leaves)
Tete : Amaranthus viridis, Amaranthus Spinosus

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